This was the first real autumnal weekend of the season, one that makes you break out a woolly wrap, slouchy hat and knee-high boots. Lil's grandparents came for a visit, and brought some new handwoven sweaters (yay!) and a crucial piece for Lil's Halloween costume. If you don't know what she's going to be, then you'll have to wait for the big reveal on (or around) the 31st.
Everyone headed out for a nice walk, and a bite at Lil's favorite hangout,
Tuffet. There was lots of yummy stuff for everyone, and the beautiful afternoon sunlight lit up those baby blues like something celestial. The purple plaid blouse may have helped, too. Those colors always seem to light Lil up, and the teal lining of her hoodie probably didn't hurt none. Paired with her skinny jeans and a pair of hunter slippers, Lil was ready to pose in a pumpkin patch... or here in Brooklyn, with a few apple pieces. After a little snuggle in her mama's arms, Lil was perfectly content to let the grown-ups snack on imported meats and cheeses, drink some Octoberfest ales, and sample a preview of Tuffet's
"Cider Week" offerings. Obviously, the season's treats are not just for kids.
Sunday marked Lil's three-fourths birthday. At nine months, Lil has a lot to say about a lot of things. She mimics what we say, and some of what we do, she sits, stands, crawls, and "pets" the cats. She eats all sorts of things (purees, finger foods, and she's still nursing too), drinks from a cup (with or without a sippy spout), goes to swim class, and an occasional "movement workshop." I have no idea how much she's grown, but we find out later this week! It's been a busy and fashionable three-quarters of a year, and the last quarter promises to finish strong. We still have outerwear and footwear to look forward to.

Lil didn't celebrate nine months with any kind of well-coordinated outfit. She didn't go anywhere special or get any presents. Instead, she spent the morning swimming with her Papa, the cuddled up in a pair of old-fashioned sweats and her favorite tee-shirt, played with her kitties, and took a nap. I whipped up some a salmon fillet with baby carrots steamed in orange juice for her dinner, and then she got a relaxing soak in the tub before bed.
Not a bad day for someone approaching toddlerdom.