
end of month report

Back when Mama had a job, EOM (End of Month) was a stressful time. Lots of numbers to crunch, and so much pressure to make profits and bonuses and all that. So now that my main focus is incubating and raising children (for the time being), it's about time to take stock of Lil's most recent accomplishments.

so much to be proud of!

  • She can find her knees, nose, toes, head, eyes, and bellybutton. And her bottom.
  • She can crawl on the floor and meow like a kitty.

"if she walks like a kitteh, and talks like a kitteh...?"

  • She can say "buddy," and "that guy."
  • She can make her stuffed animals dance.
  • She can feed herself with a fork or a spoon without disastrous results.

  • She will put the phone to her ear and say "Hiiieeeee." (She can also use the camera, and play Fruit Ninja.)
  • She learned which way to wave when you say "bye."
  • She calls Papa "Daddieeee" and Mama "Moggieeee."
  • She makes friends easily with 5 year-olds.
  • She can wipe the floor, or her high chair if you give her a damp cloth.
little Ms. Clean

Not bad. I think we're ready for Lil's Q3.


networking skills

lil makes friends
making friends on the Highline lawn

Lately Lil's taken every opportunity to flex her social muscles. Results have been mixed. She is learning that her charms work best on little girls ages 3 - 5, and that kitty cats respond well to food, but not so well to spontaneous hugs. At the playground, she will occasionally encounter a belligerent child who will not share and doesn't like smiling. The "Mommy, why are some kids such douchebags?" conversation is not one I'm looking forward to. I am afraid I'll only come up with those empty one-line responses like, "they're just jealous," or "probably because their parents don't love them very much," which will do little to inspire compassion and understanding.

bribing The Cat

On other fronts, it appears that Mama is doing a little networking of her own on the blogosphere. It is CSA season once again here in Brooklyn, and our friend Jenny's blog snackreligious is a source for inspiration. I was glad to lend her some ideas, but to be sure all my culinary acumen derives from one source, and one source only: Jon Wallace, co-owner and executive chef of the eagerly anticipated restaurant The Wallace, coming soon to Clinton Hill. So read Jenny's blog, and check out The Wallace's menus, and keep an eye out for their grand opening! Lil has her VIP bib ready for the occasion.


video: lil & padd, so happy together

Who among us can resist a bear in a tux? And even if you could, who among us can resist a Lil dancing with a bear in a tux, and sharing floor-cheerios with him?? Yeah. Go ahead and try...