
and away we go!

Where else would you own a car seat without owning a car?  Whenever Lil or myself has an appointment in Manhattan, we have to take a car service.  Since this car seat wasn't going to be stuck in the same car all the time, I wanted something good-looking (I also wanted that bunting to match her carseat), and we had concerns about portability in addition to everything else.  When I saw this Graco Snug-Ride in black and white houndstooth, I fell madly in love with safety.  I could keep Lil strapped in there all day, just because it's so cute, but I don't think she'd appreciate that.

Today I had an appointment in Union Square, so I bundled Lil up and strapped her in and we were ready to go.  Her Bundle Me keeps her really warm, but she still needs an outfit underneath.  Since I was running behind, I quickly dressed her in what I like to call her "ladies who lunch" outfit: polka-dot pants with a matching swing jacket.  The magenta top with satin bow detail looks perfect when the outfit is finished off with a pair of her bow socks in the same shade.
 That's Big Beak, the chimey tag-a-long. He often antagonizes Lil by staying just out of reach.


Eco-Friendly: the top is bottoms and the bottoms are tops

 Eco-friendly. Sustainable. Environmentally Conscious: all labels that as a mama I feel compelled to look for when choosing Lil's gear.  It's hard- not only finding sustainable items that we like, but also ones that are affordable.  Cloth diapers were an easy choice for us because they contribute far less waste to landfills, but there are downsides.  Many contain synthetic fibers and chemicals that are necessary to make waterproof and absorbent layers.  Finding baby clothing made of sustainable fibers like soy and bamboo is not only difficult, it's expensive! And honestly, it's not always cute.  So I end up with a mix, like most families, of eco-friendly, and sweat-shop made. Alas, Made in China is already part of Lil's life.

the best is on her bottom, the worst is on her top.

Today Lil wore a brand new t-shirt that I bought off Zulilly. It's a website that sells baby and kids' stuff, but they only run daily sales (up to 80% off) of designer items in limited quantities.  The merchandise has a boutique-y feel, and you rarely see the same thing twice.  This raspberry houndstooth tee is from a company called Degree Six.  Apparently their version of sustainable is actually chintzy organic cotton with poorly stitched, non-sweatshop seams.  This size 6 months barely fits Lil at 2 months (hello, baby midriff!), so we know this won't be in rotation very long. 

On the other end, Lil is wearing a wool diaper wrap made by our friend Jessica at The Littlest Forest.  This cover is awesome, and I'm not just saying that because Jess and Lil share the same birthday.  It's made from 100% re-purposed wool, and came to us pre-lanolized and ready for wear.  Not only is this diaper cover environmentally sound, it's also good looking and fits really well. Charcoal gray mohair with a raspberry lining is girly without screaming pink and daisies.  Best of all, it's trim enough and fits under her clothes.  You can learn more about the amazing properties of wool here, and check out what else The Littlest Forest is up to on Etsy.

Although Lil put on her sparkly ruffled bolero wrap, we decided to stay in today.  I wouldn't be surprised if The Cat and his lounging had some influence on us.


Lil n' Friends

Today we had a special guest stylist, Malika Green, artist and footwear designer.  Two months old and she already knows a clothing designer and a footwear designer- talk about networking!  Now to convince these talented people to launch a line of babywear.  Malika has started making shoes for her own daughter, two year-old Lia, and we're anxiously awaiting those hand-me-downs!

Lil is becoming quite the social butterfly, a fact which is reflected by today's outfit.  The embroidered butterfly on the shoulder of this romper is more than adorable, it's clearly the badge of a baby socialite.
 The cute little snail matches with Lil's pacifier, which for the moment, she has traded in for her fist.  Malika brought Lil a new toy, Tiki Monkey.  Hopefully Tiki Monkey will get Lil in the mood for a trip to Hawaii, and convince her to be well-behaved on a 13-hour flight.  She also hung out with Jerome Giraffe, and The Kitty.  During naptime she spent some time with the Seahorsey, the musical seahorse.  A little "Twinkle, Twinkle," will get you in good with this infant in no time.

Tiki Monkey shares his island stories

miss popular


doctor, my baby's covered in spots...

Big day for Lil, as we got all dressed up for her 2-month well check. And fret not, she is indeed quite well. She grew 1 1/2 inches in 5 weeks, and packed on another pound. She's now measuring 24 inches from head to toe, and weighing in at a slim but solid 11 pounds, 6 ounces.  The doctor gave her a little slap on the behind because he was so impressed with her infant physique!  Must be all the time she spent around doctors in her early days prepared her for all sorts of bedside manners. 

Behold her physical prowess!

For her pre-outing outfit, I pulled out this super adorable polka-dot top with a fuchsia rosette detail, a matching pocket diaper from FuzziBunz, and these awesome cowprint Baby Legs. You may be noticing a theme here- cute top, cloth diaper, baby legwarmers.  We've found what works, and we're going to work it till the end... or at least until Lil outgrows it.

This baby knows how to accessorize.  Our awesome neighbor (not the techno-blasters that live downstairs) gave us a beautiful gift basket of handmade goodies from Borealis Babies.  And wouldn't you know it,  Lil just happens to look good spitting up on that burp cloth!  

If you can't carry a handbag, why not match your music cube?


winter white cures our winter blues

I've always loved the look of natural shades from head to toe, but it never looked quite right on me.  I guess I'm just too pale.  Maybe if I had that baby pink tone that Lil has, it would look as good on me as it does on her!  

Today Lil sported a polka-dotted velour bubble dress and some spring-striped Baby Legs.  I added her puppy booties because despite how spring-time Lil may look, the temps still say winter.  Sadly, her little dogs are too big for those puppy socks, so they'll be laundered and shipped out to her new cousin.  The jasmine-filled nights in the hills above Santa Cruz still call for cozy footwear, so I'm glad they'll live to bark another day.

Little pups for my pup. Enjoy, Cousin Liam!

baby has the winter blues...

When you become desperate for spring- and you grow over an inch each month- you're allowed to break all the fashion rules.  We're not waiting for Memorial Day to don summer hues!


like mother, like daughter.

This is not one of those Mini-Me entries.  I did not dress Lil up in a mommy-matching outfit. I just couldn't do that to her (or to myself).  This is about the strange coincidental case of baby fashions imitating outdated tattoo art. I find baby onesies with Che Guevara are much more appealing than ones with little slogans referring to diapers and bottles (though there is an "mmmm, boobies" onesie that I find irresistible).  I was on the verge of purchasing a baby tee featuring Bob Marley with a huge spliff hanging out of his mouth, but I came to the conclusion that adult content while entertaining, can sometimes border inappropriate.  Maybe that- and my love of Baby Gap- is a sign that I'm becoming Mainstream. I guess this means I'll be purchasing a Justin Bieber action figure any day now.

Back to today's entry.  Lil's onesie features a classic tattoo print of a koi with a wave.  Nearly half a lifetime ago I went out and got myself that exact same tat.  Don't ask what made me get it, or why I chose a koi. But I was pretty stoked when her Grumpaw Mike came over with this little onesie (from Baby Gap's boy collection, of course) because now, in a very non-Lilli Pullizer sort of way, we match.

mommy & me?

wedding outtake, 2009.


a star is born

Lil and I are awaiting the arrival of our good friend Beth Anne Pilger, owner of Pilger Designs in Charlotte, NC. When a fashion designer comes calling, Lil needs to be looking- and smelling- her best.  So our day started out with a bath in the kitchen sink.  Today Lil was pleased with her bath, and didn't shed any tears.  I think she actually liked the pitcher of water I dumped on her.

But on to the good part! A little star-covered blouse- which used fit like a tunic on her- and a matching cloth diaper cover are all this girl needs to be a super star.  The Baby Legs legwarmers are function and fashion rolled into one.  Lil's accessory of choice today, though, is a muslin swaddling blanket from Aden and Anais.  I'm sure their muslin blankets and sleepwear will be great for this summer.


animal analogy #1... and an announcement.

Am I a monkey?

There are too many cute pictures today.  Perhaps it was just good lighting or Lil's pleasant mood, but I think it had more to do with divine grace.  Way out in California, Lil's baby boy cousin was coming into the world, right as these photos were being taken. That bit of anticipation added a lot to the composition.  I guess that's why she hasn't bothered to nap today, either.  She must be way too excited to sleep!  

it's a boy?!

"Daddy's Little Monkey" isn't too far off the mark.  I'm sure as Lil grows, she'll become more adventurous, curious, and monkey-like in other ways (though I hope she abstains from poo-flinging).  For now, I prefer to compare her to a bunny, or a kitten.  Something warm and cuddly.

The Kitty approves.

Today Lil is sporting brown and pink velour karate pants and a pair of Nowali baby moccasins.  They're great crib shoes, I think these are the only things I don't have to worry about falling off her feet.  This entire ensemble came in a big bag of goodies from Auntie London. Thank you London!


a li'l extra

Here's what Lil actually wore out today. I won't count as one of her daily outfits since it's featured in the archive. Unlike the bunting, this snow leopard print fleece romper was one of the winter's biggest wins.  It even makes me a bit sad for the end of winter weather.  There's nothing quite as cuddly as this little kitten- you can even ask the Cat!

That is the closest I'll ever come to getting a hat on Lil's head.  Maybe after the fontanelle closes up a bit she'll be more accepting of this fashion accessory.  Just remember: despite how cute they may be, infant caps are (in Lil's opinion) a no-no. 

the biggest disappointment of the season

I bought this sweet bunting long before Lil was born. I thought the black faux shearling with the little eared hood would not only keep her warm, but would also aid in her acceptance by our felines.  Isn't it logical to think they'd be kinder to something fuzzy and black than something pink and screaming?  Unfortunately, the bunting was much less practical in real life, and it's also one thing Lil never grew in to before the end of the season.  With snow reappearing today, I thought the shearling bunting ought to be given one last look.  Sadly, I can't fit Lil in her carseat with the bunting. I don't know what the manufacturer (of the bunting bag) was thinking when they sized this thing!

But look!  It did work as "cat-mouflage" afterall!


Lil is a cross-dresser.

I don't like pink for girls.  My preference has little to do with the color itself, I actually think Lil looks beautiful in soft carnation or rosy pink.  But the gender label attached to this color bothers me.  I don't understand why some people think I have to dress my baby girl in pink and purple when she looks just as nice in blue and brown.  Flowery prints and pastels are fine, but camouflage and plaid cause confusion.  Why not just dress our babies however we want, and let other people ask, "is that a boy, or a girl?"  I shouldn't dress my baby girl in olive drab and camouflage so that strangers aren't made uncomfortable by gender ambiguity.  I'm fine with the discomfort they might feel, and I'm just as fine with your baby boy wearing pink and purple, kittens and bunnies.  After all, our babies haven't defined their own gender identities yet.  Lil can like baseball caps just as much as tutus; she'll be my sweet girl, no matter what.

It's another nasty day in Brooklyn, and a perfect last look at this little brown kimono top and leggings from baby gap. The socks, however, are from Trumpette, the world's best baby socks.  Thank you KHB for that little box of cuteness!


velour is perfect rainy day attire

Nasty days are good for few things beside napping and cuddles. What better attire than a $3.00 black velour jumpsuit from baby Gap? Today Lil chose Jerome Giraffe as her cuddly companion, proving once again that animal prints are irresistible for Spring. 

Today is also my first day using the Olympus EPL-1 instead of my cell phone.  Until now I've been using an Android app to upload photos directly to the blog, and even add new entries.  Although you can't beat that kind of convenience, these photos are so much nicer.  My phone didn't even capture the detail of the ruffled collar on her jumpsuit.


Dressed for special guests

Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Em came for a visit today, which required a bit of extra flare. Who else could pull off red and fushia polka dots with striped tights?

Thanks to Deb Y for the dress!


Weekend, casual attire

This is as dressed as we got today. Lil wasn't in the mood for clothes.

Diaper by Bum Essentials.

Yesterday, lovely day.

Friday was the first lovely day of the year, and it's still technically winter.  It's is kind of amazing to experience 70-degree days at this time of year.  Fashion wise, it makes me a bit sad because there are wintery outfits that are too big for Lil, but will be too small when it gets cold again. I was glad to have a couple short sleeved dresses though! I added a little white cardi to this ensemble, would you believe it was size 6 months!
We headed out to Manhattan (Lil was in her Beco), down to Soho to visit our friends at Lunessa. Lil may still be a little young for fine jewelry, but mama sure isn't!  It turned into a long day, but we both enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine.

The Beginning

We have a lot of baby clothes.  More than Lil could ever wear.  Although I do want to buy every little baby girl outfit I see, I can assure you that her parents are mostly sane and haven't blown her education fund on baby clothes.  Most of her wardrobe is gifts and hand-me-downs.  I feel bad to see these things go to waste, but at her current rate of growth she doesn't get many opportunities to wear  most of it.  So I've decided to start this blog in order to post a daily Lil pic, each day featuring a different ensemble.  I want to see how long I can go without a repeat outfit (although I do expect pieces to make repeat appearances- she's only got one white cardi), and there are a number of people out there who have been asking for photo updates on a daily basis.  So this is not just for me, but for all you Lil watchers. 
