
meow meow meow meow (VIDEO)

When I was around Lil's age, my favorite thing in the world was the song from the meow mix commercial. My mother told me how I would get out of bed late at night whenever it came on the television. Tonight Lil got to experience the Meow Mix song for herself, and being that this is the age of instant gratification, she got to watch it again and again on YouTube. She calls the cats in the commercial "Toas-toas" and "Bo-bo," her names for our cats.
And needless to say it's pretty cute,  at least from my perspective. 


laughter (VIDEO)


I've been trying to get Bitty to laugh for weeks. I can get a chuckle, or a "heh heh" and lots of smiles, but I just have not gotten a good hearty laugh out of her. I really did not expect it after a morning of shots and measurements for both girls, but after a nap marathon (cue angels singing) everyone was in a good mood, and a bit of dancing spurred on by big sis got the reaction I've been waiting for. I will warn you all— it does get a bit loud somewhere in the middle, so you might want to turn your speakers down a touch.

(Yes, that's me dancing with a towel over my shoulder. Cuz you know, be prepared or whatever.)

 How much do you love Piggy's cameo there at the end?

And here are some pics of Lil sitting still, taken right around her birthday. She's wearing a little sweater dress with black bows with matching tights and black Maryjane's which ended up being a size too small, much to Lil's dismay. Last week she got a pair of red Hello Kitty Maryjane's which I hope will fit her for a month or two.




Yup. Them's my girls.