
our world took a tumble


This is the hardest blog post I've written. 

We've been gone for over a week without a mobile pic or peep.  We didn't take any photos, we didn't try on new outfits, and we didn't document Lil's first attempts at crawling on her hands and knees, clapping, or pointing. We haven't told you about her new favorite nickname "ga-bah-gaba."  We haven't talked about our trip Upstate, how we beat Irene and arrived in Ithaca ahead of schedule, how Lil saw a brand new baby, or the much-anticipated first encounter with Uncle Jeremy.  All of these happy new and exciting things, and we haven't mentioned a single one.

Lil lost her dear GranMary.  Mama lost her mama.

Earlier we reported that GranMary was sick, but she was getting better. She was diagnosed with cancer, but she was going to fight it, and we were going to help her. We hoped and prayed and kept our thoughts positive.  GranMary's spirit was much stronger than her body, though.  She left us August 30th surrounded by peace and love. To say she'll be missed is an understatement. There will be a missing piece in Lil's life, and a hole in Mama's heart. 

GranMary was all about jackets
But there will be stories and memories, bits of advice passed from mother to daughter. Reminders everywhere. And inspiration. Tributes. GranMary homages, perhaps even a few more contributions to Lil's wardrobe. Although GranMary's presence will be missed (along with her presents), she will always influence Lil.  Whether it's her style, her tenacity, her penchant for books, or her sense of humor, GranMary will continue to impact Lil's life... every single day.

Lil, Mama, and GranMary on May 20, 2011

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