
flutter by: a photo essay

Crazy things that happen in the lives of a mother and her 4 month-old baby.  They wouldn't be crazy to you, unless you are currently in charge of a tiny developing child.  Little things to an adult- sleep, lunch, or going to the bathroom, for instance- are gigantic for a little baby.  And the mother, while attempting to provide for all her infant's needs, is worn down to the bone.  If you haven't experienced it yourself, you don't know just how true the saying is- motherhood really is the hardest, yet most rewarding job you could ever do.  There are no hours longer, no tasks more infinite, and no feelings as unimaginable as caring for your baby (or babies, as it sometimes happens).  

So with this, my 90th blog entry (which admittedly should have come yesterday), you will have an extended look at Lil's everyday happenings.  We didn't shoot a "day in the life" spread, but over the past 2 days, I did shoot about 300 frames of Lil and some of her friends, and I caught a few of her  more provocative moves.  What really sets this blog entry apart though, is the lack of costume changes.


her lovliness

getting ready for her day out

making her way to young Ethan
baby posse
flirting already?

well, she's got the right moves...

this is dreamy-eyed Sebastian

the shirt says it all.

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