
falling into place


Sometimes I miss the early days of the blog. We had a well-lit living room, and a baby with bright sparkly eyes who sat relatively still. Gorgeous pictures were easy to come by. Nowadays Lil is just too fast for me, and she rarely puts a good outfit together or combs her hair. Most of our pics make for good Facebook fodder, but that schmutz on her chin is not quite blog-worthy.


 Oh, but then a couple weeks ago we went to the park—before that Sandy came through and knocked all the leaves off the trees (and knocked the trees of the trees)— and found a path canopied by the colors of fall. Our delayed start meant that we arrived at the perfect time of day, and the bright autumn sun lit up everything from the carpet of fallen leaves to those aquamarine eyes of her's. Add to that a pond full of water foul, the playground, Mama, Dada, and her sweet bebe sister, and you end up with the most picture-perfect Brooklyn afternoon. And of course, some pretty decent pictures.




Prospect Park, one week prior to that bitch Sandy.


the many faces of mah-nah-nay

"mah-nah-nay" is Lil's name for Mariel. 

Mariel is now 6 weeks old, and very expressive. For the first few weeks of her life, she mostly looked serious, and we assumed this was normal for an election year baby. But after the devastation of hurricane Sandy,  she's got some things to ponder. For instance, "Is Mike Bloomberg really wearing a salmon pink sweateragain?" and, "Why did it them take so long to cancel the Marathon?" and, "When will Fresh Direct come back?" possibly even, "Why is Ali Velshi still standing out there?"







It's anyone's guess what that little face is trying to tell us. Probably something about boobs, The Cat's tail, dada's chest hair, or Lil and the paci, since that's pretty much all that comprises her sphere of reality. Lucky girl.

By the way—you should do Lil and Bitty a favor by donating to The Red Hook Initiative, so that they can continue to provide comfort to our neighbors in Red Hook, Brooklyn, who are still without electricity, hot water, or heat. For one thing, RHI has been bring hot meals to the residents stuck in high rises— without elevators! We're humbled by their exemplary service to this underprivileged community.