
doctor, my baby's covered in spots...

Big day for Lil, as we got all dressed up for her 2-month well check. And fret not, she is indeed quite well. She grew 1 1/2 inches in 5 weeks, and packed on another pound. She's now measuring 24 inches from head to toe, and weighing in at a slim but solid 11 pounds, 6 ounces.  The doctor gave her a little slap on the behind because he was so impressed with her infant physique!  Must be all the time she spent around doctors in her early days prepared her for all sorts of bedside manners. 

Behold her physical prowess!

For her pre-outing outfit, I pulled out this super adorable polka-dot top with a fuchsia rosette detail, a matching pocket diaper from FuzziBunz, and these awesome cowprint Baby Legs. You may be noticing a theme here- cute top, cloth diaper, baby legwarmers.  We've found what works, and we're going to work it till the end... or at least until Lil outgrows it.

This baby knows how to accessorize.  Our awesome neighbor (not the techno-blasters that live downstairs) gave us a beautiful gift basket of handmade goodies from Borealis Babies.  And wouldn't you know it,  Lil just happens to look good spitting up on that burp cloth!  

If you can't carry a handbag, why not match your music cube?


  1. Yay!!! Love her look. How does she like the Classical Music Cube?

  2. Right now, she's kind of freaked out by it, especially the piano. But she loves the flute/ harp duet of "Twinkle, Twinkle."
