
cranky pants

sour puss

After a lovely morning of blueberry yogurt and a movement class at Caribou Baby, Lil turned into sour grapes after her nap.  Maybe it was the weather.  Her pouting and crying began just as the sky turned an ominous shade of gray.  Tears welled in her eyes as the raindrops pounded on the window.  It's almost like Lil controls the weather, but Papa thinks the weather controls her.  The string of overcast, wet and muggy days would account for all the bad moods of late.  One thing that's for sure, a cranky baby is hard to dress, hard to pose, and almost impossible to get a smile from.  This week, Mama had no time for outfits, so Lil just wore what was within arm's reach.  Lucky for Lil, that meant her super soft bamboo knit pants from Yala Designs. That silky fabric against her skin seems to perk her right up.
just not feelin' it.

Good thing something did.  Otherwise this would be a very long week.



helvetica bold never looked more adorable

Mama usually doesn't like clothing with slogans, phases, or any type of any sort on it.  As a rule, Lil will pass on the "Daddy's Princess" onesie, or the "I love grandpa" bib.  It's not because these statements are untrue, in fact, they only serve to state the obvious. Lil doesn't need words to say how much she loves Grandpa, she shows him with her smiles (awww!).  This one time, though, Lil needed this onesie to remind all you Lil watchers that she does indeed have a Facebook page, and that all of you should go "like" it if you haven't done so already.

how do you like me now?

Honestly, I don't know anyone who is more likable than Lil anyway.

video tuesday!

We do have pictures for you today, but we also have two never-before-seen, all new video clips for you, too! How exciting!!

First, we have a short clip of a tickle attack. This was captured during our "save the giraffes" photo session.  Be careful, her laughter is often contagious.

We also have captured Lil's reaction to her new favorite fare, coconut yogurt. Lil may not be talking, but she can still voice her appreciation for the yummy stuff.

Mama was hoping to get Lil's reaction to her first taste of lemon on film (something like this), but Lil loved the lip-smacking tangy treat and didn't even blink.  She's probably going to grow up loving Sour Patch Kids.  Eew.


save the giraffes (for Lil)

don't turn your back on this lil giraffe

It's true.  There is a giraffe-print obsession taking place in the House of Lil.  But how can anyone really blame us? The fact is, giraffe on a baby is the cutest thing EVER.  So we'll take giraffe onesies, giraffe legwarmers, giraffe dresses, leggings, socks, sweaters, hats, headbands, whatever, what-have-you, if it's giraffe, we want it.  This is the only time in Lil's life that she'll be able to pull off a head-to-toe animal print, so let's do it right.  If you would like to contribute to our "Brooklyn Serengeti" campaign, visit us on Facebook, or like Everyday Lil via the button below.

giraffes have long legs, too

And we wouldn't turn down a nice giraffe-print scarf, or hair-calf pumps for mama, either.



back in the water


After four weeks, her first cold, two new teeth, and two really tough weekends away from home, Lil is back in the pool at Aqua Beba! As soon as she was in the water, it was as if she hadn't missed a single class. She was up to her old ways, kicking and splashing and even floating on her back in no time.  The only thing that had changed was her swimsuit size! Looks like Lil will be in a new Imse Vimse swim diaper before her next class.


where the wardrobe ends


Is it possible that Lil is out of new outfits?  Is she between seasons? Between sizes? Maybe Mama is lacking inspiration...


Or maybe this is all the inspiration Mama needs.

Lil was going to get a pretty outfit for the day, but she just looked too perfect in her birthday suit not to photograph au natural. Boticelli had his Birth of Venus. So how could we not present the unadulterated Lil?


big oops

Yesterday was a rather not good day for Lil.  For the most part she was fine, she may have gotten a little messy with her dinner, but all in all she felt fine.  She wasn't sick or crabby.  But there was a little incident which resulted in a bumped lip, and maybe a little owwie to her nose.  So... Mama figured it was best not to post pictures of Lil's accidents, lest they be misconstrued as evidence of child endangerment or neglect. She was, after all, quite secure and content in her baby jail enclosed play space when said incident occurred.  So here's one from the vault, a mobile upload of Lil in one of Cousin Josie's little jumpers (not the UK version of "jumper").  It's one of Mama's favorite things to put Lil in when she's in between outfits, like in the mornings after pajama time, and before going-out time.  You know, play clothes...

a little pouty, but no bumps or bruises


what the fluff?

Oh HAI there!
So you've been asking, "Lil, where have you been?" We are sorry. The truth is, we've been around, here and there, but we've just been a little busy.  We promise to try to be more Everyday rather than Occasional!

not very animated
Yesterday, Lil went to visit Papa at work.  But she looked so sweet in a little fuchsia plaid dress with matching footie tights and a brown velour jacket that we forgot to take a picture!  That's ok, though, because all of our PSYOP readers got to meet Lil in person.  Proud Papa toted her from one floor to the next so she could meet all her admirers, and secretly, to make some of the other papas jealous.  The only photo Mama snapped was this embarrassing little image of Lil sound asleep with a cracker in her mouth... but look how nicely the polka dot ribbon trim on her jacket compliments that bold plaid.

§  §  §  §  §

baby got back
Since Lil crawls around so much, it means two basic things: 1- it's near impossible to get a good shot of her from the front, 2- her bum is in need of some flare.  Mama found these little ruffle bottom knickers for Lil to wear under her fancy occasion dresses, but with this little vintage baby doll top it makes a casual but super girlie crawler's outfit.  Lil may be a long way from Apple Bottom jeans (thank goodness), but her backside is quickly becoming her best side.

everything is up for grabs

She won't slow down for much, but Mama still manages to grab her attention once in a while.

taking a minute to catch up with Mama


one hot tot

Just one day after reaching 8 months, Lil came down with her first cold.  Our first fall-like weekend ruined by sniffles and a fever.  Mama keep a close watch over her tiny patient, and by the end of the weekend, Lil was cool and comfortable and on her way to dreamland. 

cool and absorbent and 100% organic

Saturday Lil resembled a jellyfish in more ways that one.  Wriggly, wiggly limbs, and a thin viscous layer complimented this convalescent look. Her super-absorbent organic bamboo jellyfish diaper, and a two-sizes-too-big organic cotton jellyfish tee were soft enough to keep Lil cooing even as her temperature kept climbing.

§ § §


Sunday morning brought some relief, but Lil was once again forced to miss swim class.  Her spirits were lifted after a long nap and some play time with The Cat.  It was as if he sensed her illness and did his best to look after her- acting as a foot warmer while she played her excersaucer, lying within arms reach whenever Lil was in Mama and Papa's bed, and staying close by while she crawled around the living room.  The Cat and Kitty always brighten up Lil's mood, no matter how miserable she gets, whether it be from a cold, or teething, or any other baby woes.  Lil is so lucky to have furry friends looking out for her.

Sunday's recuperative romper


the skinny on lil

Old Navy skinny embellished jeans, size 6-12 mos.

I used to say, "who the f*!k thought of making skinny jeans for babies!? what kind of sick, perverted idea is that!?"
baby's got back
That was before Lil fit into a pair of embellished jeans I received at our baby shower. Man.  They're not just cute. They are beyond cute. Paired with black ballet flats, they actually give Lil that "heyyyy girrrl" attitude.  How is a Mama to resist?  So not fair.

8 months old... yaaay!
Fall made it's first appearance this week, so Lil tried out her first pair of baby jeggings (jean-leggings, if you didn't know). GranMary was always a fan of jeggings- all the style and none of the bunching.  We met up with the other mamas and babes at the waterfront in Williamsburg, and Lil was let loose to wiggle those fluffy curves with all her friends.  It was a breezy day, but Lil stayed plenty warm in her fuzzy sweater and a merino wool long-sleeve shirt. Worn close to her soft skin, this baby wool thermal will keep her warm under all her fall fashions.

Lil borrows Leo's hat

Lil flirt?
Leo makes his move


hoe-down showdown


A funny thing happened today when Lil started to cry. Mama started singing a little bit of old-timey country music, and Lil forgot all about what was troubling her. She began clapping and dancing, and burst out in giggles.

Ah, the things we'll do for a happy baby.


Lil happens to have a perfect outfit for a barn dance. In this embroidered prairie blouse and ruffly denim skirt Lil's all set to Do Sa Do and Promenade.  And those little leopard cowboy boots are definitely Lil's ticket to a full dance card... once they actually stay on her feet. Barefoot or not, Lil is always ready for the foot-stomping, knee-slapping kind of fun.


monkey business


Mama does not like monkeys. She doesn't even care for that Curious George character (why should she when there's a perfectly mischievous bear named Paddington running around London?). But Paul Frank makes monkeys look cool. When you combine his design with Lil's cuteness, monkeys go from repugnant to irresistible.  Whatever is a Mama to do? 


Paul Frank's passion for monkeys hasn't made that much of an impression on this consumer...


... but if Lil looks this good wearing them, it's going to be hard to turn our back on lower primates for good.


all quiet on the eastern (williamsburg) front

Right when it looked like Everyday Lil was back in full swing, technical difficulties caused another break in Lil coverage. Although Time Warner failed to provide internet service, and Mama's smart phone experienced a drool-related systems failure, it doesn't mean that the Lil miss wasn't photographed extensively over the last few days. And now that we're back, here's a full rundown of Lil and her early Fall cuteness.

On Friday, Lil met up with her buddies at Agnes' house.  It's great to have a backyard to roll around in, grass to pick at, even some stones to throw.  Even though Lil was plenty busy exploring her surroundings, she still took time to socialize.

Lil's friends, Ava Mae (with Lil, top), Agnes, and Evan. Benjamin Bunny was rolling around somewhere!

On Friday, Lil wore a special dress she got from her cousin Josie in honor of GranMary's birthday. We don't know for sure, but we suspect that GranMary gave this dress to cousin Jos when she was a wee thing.  Maybe Lil was dressed for a party rather than a romp in the grass, but the pastel tulips looked lovely on the lawn.


On Saturday, Lil went out with Mama and Papa and her Grumpa Mike to the biggest Babies R Us ever, someplace in East New York.  It's amazing what you can accomplish with an automobile.  This was not a fun shopping spree, rather it was high time for baby-proofing. This task is not easily accomplished in our household.  Baby hazards are everywhere, and as Lil becomes more mobile- guess who pulled herself up to standing that very morning- Mama and Papa must be all the more vigilant, lest more gadgets fall victim to baby slobber.

special bonus footage!

Sunday was a quiet day, one that normally features Lil's swim class.  This Sunday Lil woke up with a sneeze, a cough, and a face full of snot.  Mama discovered a low-grade fever, and decided it was best to miss class.  Lil didn't seem to mind, she just cuddled up and took a little nap, Papa was the one who began to pout.  With our extended visit Upstate, Lil missed a total of 3 classes in August! Let's hope she's still a little fish when she gets back in the water.

stay-dry play time
Later, we took a stroll to Tuffet with our friend, and Lil got lots of attention, and snacked on some nectarines.  A low-key weekend filled with lots of love, and little excitement.

Just the way mama likes it.


master of puppets

the lights, the sounds- the theater!

To celebrate our 150th blog post (and because it was mentioned by the other mamas in our group), Lil & Mama dropped in on a Puppetonia puppet show at the Brick Theater.  Lil was captivated by the lights, the sounds, the and the soft plushy faces of the theater.  Best of all, we had floor seats.

ohhh, other babies...

The show only lasted 30 minutes, but they were 30 action-packed minutes featuring teddy bears, a pirate, and bubbles! Lil made good use of her new found clapping ability, but it's possible she was more interested in the other babies.  We saw a whole bunch of her friends, including 2 out of 3 of the "E" boys (Everett and Evan), Chloe, and that darling Leo in his plaid romper.

Leo: captivated by puppets, captivating in plaid

Baby puppet show or not, Lil was dressed for a Broadway matinee (or better).  This little capped sleeve dress with smocking can take her from the playground to a tea party, but with a pair of black leather ballet slippers she's ready for dinner and a show.

They say the moves make the man, but Lil knows the shoes make the outfit.

happy 150th blog post, lil Lil!


rain delay

Today we went to volunteer for the Bushwick CSA. Our volunteer duties entailed checking off names on a list, and making sure no hipsters ran off with loads of eggplant, but we mostly just stood there in the rain. This was Lil's first real outing in the rain, but since she's not a walker yet, there were no cute galoshes, no tiny umbrella, and no adorable raincoat.  (Mama was equally ill-suited for the weather, a pair of black moccasins and a baseball cap were the only things keeping her dry.) Lil's Maclaren stroller came with a fitted rain cover which kept Lil nice and dry, though it may have distorted her view of all the new faces she greeted.  A chill in the air meant an extra polka-dotted layer, but the chocolate pants and teal hoodie looked pretty fresh. Unfortunately Lil peeled off her matching Trumpette socks when Mama wasn't looking, and one of them was later recovered from a mud puddle. It's a miracle she didn't end up with a Lil chill.

home again, home again jiggity jig...

The Bushwick Food Co-Op was set up inside, so we ducked our wet heads in to munch on dried fruits. Lil enjoyed the dried figs so much, we purchased a small bag. With only a few more CSA pick-ups remaining, the Co-Op might be our only source for local produce, meat and dairy. As Lil's world gets bigger, her pallet seems to get more refined.

to co-op, to co-op to buy some dried figs


our world took a tumble


This is the hardest blog post I've written. 

We've been gone for over a week without a mobile pic or peep.  We didn't take any photos, we didn't try on new outfits, and we didn't document Lil's first attempts at crawling on her hands and knees, clapping, or pointing. We haven't told you about her new favorite nickname "ga-bah-gaba."  We haven't talked about our trip Upstate, how we beat Irene and arrived in Ithaca ahead of schedule, how Lil saw a brand new baby, or the much-anticipated first encounter with Uncle Jeremy.  All of these happy new and exciting things, and we haven't mentioned a single one.

Lil lost her dear GranMary.  Mama lost her mama.

Earlier we reported that GranMary was sick, but she was getting better. She was diagnosed with cancer, but she was going to fight it, and we were going to help her. We hoped and prayed and kept our thoughts positive.  GranMary's spirit was much stronger than her body, though.  She left us August 30th surrounded by peace and love. To say she'll be missed is an understatement. There will be a missing piece in Lil's life, and a hole in Mama's heart. 

GranMary was all about jackets
But there will be stories and memories, bits of advice passed from mother to daughter. Reminders everywhere. And inspiration. Tributes. GranMary homages, perhaps even a few more contributions to Lil's wardrobe. Although GranMary's presence will be missed (along with her presents), she will always influence Lil.  Whether it's her style, her tenacity, her penchant for books, or her sense of humor, GranMary will continue to impact Lil's life... every single day.

Lil, Mama, and GranMary on May 20, 2011