
state of emergency!

this photo has nothing to do with our current crisis, but who cares?

URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Lil to Corn on the Cob: "NO!"

While getting Lil ready for our upcoming trip Upstate, something terrible happened. Mama lovingly prepared a half-ear of organic Lancaster County (PA) sweetcorn, and Lil turned it down– for mashed potatoes with Bolognese (ick)!

To the casual Lil watcher, this may seem like typical toddler behavior. They say new foods may be introduced sometimes as many five times before kids start to enjoy them. But this is no ordinary food, and this is not just some run-of-the-mill toddler. She is the product of my womb– the womb of a born-and-raised Upstate country girl– who is also the product of an Upstate country girl, and so on. Mama grew up on a-dollar-a-dozen-from-right-down-the-road sweetcorn, and I-dare-you-to-eat-an-ear-of-corn-that's-meant-for-feed corn. How can I accept that my offspring will not eat corn on the cob?? Worse, I feel terrible wasting awesome corn on someone that won't eat it!

Mama only hopes that once we're actually Upstate and surrounded by corn-loving relatives eating locally grown, just-picked Madison County (NY) corn, Lil will have a change of heart. In my experience sweetcorn just isn't the same unless you're enjoying it with my aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Also troubling, Lil still insists that cows say "baaaah." Lil!! Get thee to the country!!

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