
the biggest disappointment of the season

I bought this sweet bunting long before Lil was born. I thought the black faux shearling with the little eared hood would not only keep her warm, but would also aid in her acceptance by our felines.  Isn't it logical to think they'd be kinder to something fuzzy and black than something pink and screaming?  Unfortunately, the bunting was much less practical in real life, and it's also one thing Lil never grew in to before the end of the season.  With snow reappearing today, I thought the shearling bunting ought to be given one last look.  Sadly, I can't fit Lil in her carseat with the bunting. I don't know what the manufacturer (of the bunting bag) was thinking when they sized this thing!

But look!  It did work as "cat-mouflage" afterall!


  1. Yes! and, obviously, she delights in matching HER kitty!

  2. You might want to explain the whole furry subculture thing to Lil...

    Great Aunt Ann
