
rural routes

Lil is a city girl.  There's absolutely no doubt about it.  She'll get to spend her afternoons at the playground, or strolling with Mama.  She'll visit the zoo, and the museum, go to the library for story time, and maybe even attend a baby yoga class.  She will not crawl through the grass, or run through a pasture, or play in the creek like I did (nor will she have to walk up a quarter-mile long driveway in thigh-deep snow!).  So for fun today, I tried dressing Lil like a true country bumpkin.  I think this is the outfit she'd wear while we did our gardening.

the little handmade booties are from Russia (with love)!


  1. She looks adorable ! love the country look on her :)

  2. She looks less than thrilled. I think she may be too citified for overalls! Love the shoes...and the chapeau!

  3. Very interesting post--we have the same thing with Philip. Both Jonas and I grew up surrounded by green fields and trees and lots of farm animals and Philip is growing up in the concrete jungle (and very different animals!). I kind of feel bad for him, actually. Luckily we have a great park close to our new apartment so he can at least play in the grass. And maybe someday we'll get back to the country...

  4. Ah Alison! I could've written forever on this subject. It's hard to think that Lil may never have her own bit of green after growing up in Gooseville. You are definitely one person who I know can relate- after years in the open country (about 1/4 mile down the road from me), and a pit-stop in Ithaca, you landed in one of the world's great urban centers. However, I will never trade in central heat for anything... except maybe Hawaii.

    Congrats on the new apartment!
